Monday, May 16, 2011


Answer the following questions in your blog or through MS Word and upload to your blog.
Reflection Questions: (must be answered in paragraph form, at least 5 sentences)
1. Considering the development opportunities available to you this year, how have you applied
what you learned?
Throughout this year, I’ve learned several things I didn’t know before. However, there are multi techniques to success. For instance, I’ve learned the proper way of dressing to an job interview and learned how to make oneself resume. Also I also know how to manipulate Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, excel, and Excess. Therefore I’m very grateful

2. What strengths do you possess that you can use at a higher level next year?
Strength is important in our daily life. The ability to operate Microsoft Programs and create my own webpage is a success in my point of view. First off, my career choice is based on computers so, therefore, the lessons are important to me. Working with computers is useful in every business choice and help keep track of records.

3. What obstacles must you work through so you can meet all your goals for this year?
I’ve faced lots of obstacles and took down few throughout this school year, but the obstacle that I mostly struggle with is public speaking. I’m a shy speaker who gets nervous when addressing to a crowded audience. Sometimes I get really shy and start to panic. I need to take courage and feel release so that way I won’t be nervous or disturb

4. Discuss what you have learned during the class and how it will assist you in achieving further academic and work related goals.
It will relate to me in many ways …..For instance projects, documents, applications, web pages and many more.

5. If you could do any assignment over this year, which one would it be and why? Any regrets?
If I could back in time, I will love to redo the brochure assignment. The brochure because it wasn’t that well- organized and didn’t include many pictures. In other words, it didn’t have many factual evidence and wasn’t really awesome.

6. What are 3 words you would use to describe this class?
This class has been Fun, important, and educational. Fun because, although we get a lot of work, the wonderful teacher makes it fun in a way that you won’t struggle with the work and cracks jokes while we doing our work. Important because this class based on my career choice aka I want to be a computer engineer so most likely I need computer lessons in order to succeed. Last, but not least Educational because it helps with learning. It teaches you new things.

7. How did your computer skills grow or improve over the course of the year?
I’ve never used Microsoft Excess before, but now I have; Yes, It’s fun ………You can create graphs, charts, and insert them in different categories. Working with Microsoft applications are more fragile and easy to relate to when doing projects.

8. What were your greatest challenges or lessons learned?
There has been couple of tough challenges faced and lessons learned. Typing fast is one of them. Typing fast has always been a great challenge for me. I’ve tried several times to type as fast as I could, yet I’m still having a little hard time with it. My typing skill is increasing every time I put effort in.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011



Blog Reflection

What do you want for the outcome of your project?
Obesity refers to the use of an explicit systematic population-based approach to identify persons at risk, intervene with specific programs of care, and measure clinical and other outcomes that causes diseases such as hypertension or hypercholesterolemia. Therefore people should watch their weight gain, control their eating and exercise habit.

What do you want people to know about your topic?
I want people to know that Obesity is a malicious thing that dispose fashion in a wrong way. Obesity can cause diseases that can put you in an early grave

Friday, April 15, 2011

obesity notes

Monday, April 11, 2011

What have I learned from this topic?

   While doing this research, I've learned that Obesity is a term used to describe body weight that is much greater than what is considered healthy. If you are obese, you have a much higher amount of body fat than is healthy or desirable.
   I've also learned that an obese person can change their life style by changing the food intake behavior and exercise. The person has to organize and plane his/ her day in order to lose weight.
   Nevertheless I also learned that Obesity ranks second among preventable causes of death. Tobacco use is number one.
The topic is very interesting and beneficial.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


      Obesity is an excess proportion of total body fat that's effecting a large portion of the American society.
American society has become 'obesogenic, meaning characterized by environments that promote increased food intake, nonhealthful foods, and physical inactivity. I chose this topic because I think our societies are hypocrite. One second, they are presenting advertisements for food and how delicious it is just to attract their audience and then turn to build a society where looks and fashions are greatly admire. Those who don't fit in those plans are seen as outsiders.
      Obesity occurs when a person consumes more calories than he or she burns. For many people this boils down to eating too much and exercising too little. Obesity is one of the most outstanding chaos the nation is facing. Twenty years ago, only a few states had residents with weight problems. But today, 41 states report dangerous levels of obesity. As we know, 93 percent of Americans believe obesity is a serious public health problem, and 35 percent believe they are overweight.